The Project Guide for Token2049 Dubai 2024

TOKEN2049 Dubai


  • Projects at Token2049 Dubai emphasize solutions for scalability, efficiency, and the ability to handle complex workloads like those found in machine learning applications.
  • A growing trend is hybrid consensus mechanisms that combine elements of PoW and PoS, seeking the optimal balance of security, decentralization, and scalability.
  • Blockchain gaming is evolving rapidly, with projects focusing on true player ownership of in-game assets and community-driven governance through DAOs.


Explore the latest in blockchain innovation at Token2049 Dubai, featuring key projects like AUROS, NEAR, and IO.NET. Stay updated with CoinRank’s comprehensive coverage.




At the annual Token2049 event, apart from the essential itinerary of featuring key speakers from the blockchain community, the venue also hosts a myriad of corporate and development projects for attendees to explore. Participating in Token2049 Dubai offers a prime opportunity to delve into the technological highlights and central themes of the year.


Below, CoinRank has compiled a list of focal points for this year’s attendees based on the participating entities and booths at Token2049 Dubai 2024:







Auros is a high-frequency trading firm and strategic market maker focusing exclusively on digital assets. 


Rooted in a diverse background of proprietary trading, technology, brokerage, and asset management, Auros has developed advanced infrastructure with sophisticated pricing models and low latency execution capabilities. These systems are further reinforced by stringent security and top-tier operational processes, enabling Auros to engage reliably across the crypto ecosystem.


The firm’s extensive trading experience has fostered a deep understanding of liquidity provision and market microstructure, which is crucial for ensuring stable liquidity for crypto tokens. As a key partner to numerous early-stage ventures, Auros provides both advisory and market-making services to support project growth. Its Strategic Market Making team meticulously aligns the liquidity of client tokens with their long-term goals, allowing for broad investor participation.


Auros is also an active investor in the crypto ecosystem, seeking dynamic teams to provide holistic support with advisory services, liquidity solutions, and domain expertise. The firm’s commitment to partnering with passionate founders and aiding in their success underscores its role as more than just a service provider, but a true partner in the industry.




Technically, NEAR is a layer one blockchain that uses sharding and a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, engineered specifically with usability as a priority.


​​NEAR stands out as a user-friendly and efficient blockchain platform, combining ease of use with robust technical capabilities. It features named accounts like “alice.near” for easy sharing and remembering, and offers simple account creation via email or Telegram. With transaction speeds of approximately 1.3 seconds and low costs under one cent, NEAR enhances user experience by eliminating the need for direct cryptocurrency purchases through its account abstraction feature.


Developers will find NEAR appealing due to its supportive environment, offering the ability to build smart contracts in JavaScript or Rust, comprehensive documentation, daily support from NEAR DevRel, and economic incentives like receiving 30% of gas fees. Its compatibility with Ethereum via Project Aurora also simplifies deploying Solidity contracts, bolstering its usability and interoperability.


NEAR’s reliability is proven with a track record of 100% uptime over four years, processing over 800 million transactions and handling peaks of more than 13 million transactions in a single day. March 2024 data showed the top three dApps by unique active wallets were hosted on NEAR.


Environmentally, NEAR is a certified carbon-neutral network, consuming the same amount of energy in one year as Bitcoin does in three minutes, highlighting its commitment to sustainability and efficiency in the blockchain space.






Core DAO is envisioned as a pivotal blockchain platform aimed at underpinning the decentralized internet of Web 3. It employs a unique consensus mechanism dubbed Satoshi Plus, blending the best of both worlds: the security of Bitcoin’s Delegated Proof of Work (DPoW) and the scalability of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) from CORE token holders. This hybrid approach aims to secure, scale, and decentralize operations effectively.


The blockchain is Turing-complete, leveraging the Bitcoin mining hashrate alongside the capabilities of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing for robust smart contract functionality. Core’s token supply is capped at 2.1 billion, with a burning mechanism in place for a portion of all block rewards and transaction fees, mirroring Ethereum’s “Ultra Sound Money” model. The DAO community determines the specifics of the burning percentage.


Moreover, Core block rewards are distributed over an 81-year timeline, designed to sustain miner involvement and incentivize network participants over the long haul. This extended period highlights Core’s commitment to long-term network security and participant engagement.





Playa3ull Games is at the forefront of the blockchain gaming revolution, offering a platform that merges technological innovation with community-driven development. Founded by Jonathan Bouzanquet, the company distinguishes itself by incorporating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to actively involve players in its decision-making processes. This approach ensures that games developed on the Playa3ull platform closely align with user feedback and interests.


Central to Playa3ull’s ecosystem is the 3ULL Coin, which facilitates transactions, including the purchase and trade of in-game assets that players truly own. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also pioneers a new economic model within the gaming industry. The platform is built on the Avalanche Subnet, chosen for its scalability, security, and ability to handle significant transaction volumes—key for a seamless gaming experience.


Playa3ull is committed to a sustainable financial strategy, featuring a 10% burn mechanism for the 3ULL Coin to ensure its deflationary nature, gradually reducing its supply to increase value. This approach supports the platform’s long-term viability and growth.


Looking ahead, Playa3ull Games plans to launch 30 games by 2031 and is gearing up to introduce an expansive metaverse project in 2024. This ambitious roadmap underscores the company’s aim to lead in crypto gaming by providing immersive, engaging, and economically viable gaming experiences.


Playa3ull Games stands out in the crypto gaming sector for its innovative technology, commitment to community collaboration, and strategic economic planning, positioning itself as a leader in the next evolution of gaming.






IO.NET, formerly known as ANTBIT and powered by Solana and Aptos, is building an enterprise-grade decentralized computing network aimed at revolutionizing access to distributed cloud clusters for machine learning engineers at a fraction of the cost compared to centralized services. The platform envisions computing power as this generation’s “digital oil,” essential for a new technological industrial revolution, and aims to establish IO as the currency of computing power within its ecosystem.


The platform addresses significant gaps in the current market where traditional cloud providers offer limited availability and choice and at high costs. It aggregates underutilized GPUs from various sources including data centers and crypto miners, integrating them into a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN). This network provides on-demand, massive computing power that is customizable, cost-efficient, and user-friendly.


IO.NET supports a range of computing tasks from preprocessing and distributed training to model serving, with a special emphasis on serving AI/ML workloads. Its core offerings include parallel training, batch inference, hyperparameter tuning using distributed computing libraries, and reinforcement learning supported by an open-source library and APIs. These solutions leverage parallel processing to overcome limitations of memory and sequential workflows, allowing extensive scalability and efficiency in operations.


Originating from a Solana Hackathon event in February 2023, IO.NET is designed to meet the needs of modern machine learning models that require robust parallel and distributed computing capabilities. This initiative not only enhances the processing of large datasets and complex models but also democratizes access to advanced computing resources, paving the way for innovative developments in AI and machine learning fields.




The projects introduced above represent only a small fraction of those actually participating in Token2049 Dubai 2024. Attendees at the event will have the opportunity to engage with a broader and more updated range of blockchain-related applications, gaining firsthand industry insights.


For more real-time updates, readers can also find information on Token2049’s X platform. Of course, CoinRank will continue to provide ongoing updates during the event, delivering the fastest and most comprehensive information to its readers.


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